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Space Mining

S ince the establishment of the first human colony some key elements have served as foundations of some extraordinary inventions, for example the invention of the wheel from stone, fire from wood or say invention of a bulb or the first electric motor and from that came the first engine. As you see these inventions are used by us till the present day but with proper knowledge we made them efficient, long lasting and cheap. If you look around, you will find yourself somehow dependent on them, almost everybody on this planet is!  The basic and fundamental elements like Iron, Copper, Zinc, Lead, Aluminium, Nickel, Cobalt and many expensive metals like Gold, Platinum, Silver are also obtained from beneath the Earth surface. They are important because they are used almost in every component and are being extracted from Earth and are likely to be exhausted within 50 to 60 years.  We need to find an alternative for these minerals or we need to find another source. With increase in use of e

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